Tattoo Request

Read next information before fill the form.

And let´s give more ink to our body.

How it´s working?

For you and all my clients, I open my booking list month by month to you don’t have to wait a lot of time for your tattoo project, so if you´re ready to take an appointment soon, let´s do it.

I do not book further than 3 months ahead. I suggest booking multiple appointments in advance. This prevents you from waiting for next “bookings opening”. I only book 2 consecutive days of tattooing for every 2 weeks, this to give your skin time to healing and it´s the best way to done your project faster. 

My schedule is from Monday to Sundays, but remember to be open and available in case your appointment be week days. 

All appointments start from 12:00 PM to around 8:00 PM includes: Tattoo conception, the tattoo preparation, process, breaks and lunch. Just one consultation is required before the appointment to discuss your project, the design will be done and show you in the first appointment. 
It is important to get a better result  to remain “open-minded” in order to give me creative freedom.

Keep in mind the amount of time spent tattooing on the first appointment may be shorter depending on the time spent on conception. I recommend you to take a full day for your appointments as the time of release is indeterminate.


You will receive an email answer with a date for the appointment and a deposit request of 300$ CAD. The deposit will be deducted off of your last appointment. This is just to make sure you are taking your appointment seriously. 

The appointment will be confirmed once the deposit is received. It is possible, on demand, to modify the date we sent you, so try to confirm as soon as possible your appointment date to evite changes.

If you´re agree with the work way fill next form

Booking form

    Your name *

    Your email *

    Your email again *

    Phone number *

    Where are you located? *
    "country and city"

    Preferred Day(s) *
    you can select more than 1 option

    Kind of project *

    Size *
    "example: 15 cm x 30 cm"

    Placement *
    "example: full sleeve, inner forearm, etc."

    Describe your idea, as detailed as possible (take your time)

    How did you hear about me? *

    Remember to follow my social media